Subtask C: Technology and Demonstrators

Technology and Demonstrators
Technology and Demonstrators
Technical Report Subtask B – Part B3, Technical Report Subtask C – Part C2
August 2017 - PDF 4.9MB

In Report C2: Analysis of best practice examples, information about built best practice examples as well as conceptual feasibility studies of solar thermal applications in urban environments is summarized. Objective is to highlight technical potentials, innovative approaches and restrictions of solar thermal applications in urban environments in a holistic energy system context on the one hand and to identify and describe lessons learned regarding applied methodologies, success factors and barriers on the other side.

Classification and Benchmarking of Solar Thermal Systems in Urban Environments
Classification and Benchmarking of Solar Thermal Systems in Urban Environments
Technical Report Subtask C – Part C1
January 2016 - PDF 3.8MB

In the present report [Deliverable C1: Classification and benchmarking of solar thermal systems in urban environments], solar thermal system configurations suitable for applications in urban environments are identified first (chapter 4) and characterized by representative techno-economic benchmark figures from a set of best practice examples (chapter 5). Objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive data base for techno-economic (pre-) evaluations regarding the role of solar thermal in urban energy systems, especially applicable for urban planners / energy system planners without deeper theoretical solar thermal expertise.