Subtask B: PVT Performance Characterization

Status Quo of PVT Characterization
Status Quo of PVT Characterization
Report B1
October 2020 - PDF 2.71MB
Editor: Korbinian Kramer, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany
Publisher: Task 60

Report B1: This report therefore aims at displaying the Status Quo of PVT Characterization in order to support PVT technology in its further development and applications. The report is hence of interest for researchers as well as public and private sector stakeholders. A key finding is that the reliability and durability of PVT modules are especially challenged at elevated temperatures and higher humidity loads. The test methods available from the IEC and ISO standards are covering the specifics of PV and ST module’s, most of which are similar for PVT modules, too.

Design guidelines for PVT collectors
Design guidelines for PVT collectors
Report B2
July 2020 - PDF 0.36MB
Publisher: IEA SHC Task 60

Report B2: Here is a one page fact sheet providing many design guidelines for PVT collectors, for covers, encapsulant, rear covers, absorbers, heat transfer medium, insulation, casing, air vents, fluid outlets, sealing, and junction boxes.